!! Greg Engle and Stephen Doster will travel to Cambodia in January 2025, under the auspices of the U.S. Department of State’s Arts Envoy Program, to perform in connection with the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Cambodia and the United States.
!!Please visit my new page, Guitars for Africa!!
Songs of life, love and Africa…
Welcome and thanks for the visit! This site was down for a few years while I was working in Ethiopia, but I’m now back in the Live Music Capital of the World (Austin, Texas) with plenty of time and energy to make music, which I’ll share with you here, along with the occasional random thought about things that are inspiring me.
I hope that you’re here first and foremost to hear my music. Everything I’ve recorded in professional studios is on the Music page, and I would urge you to go there straightaway and have a listen. Some of the songs, including three about Africa, are also featured in Videos, so check them out, too. And if you like what you hear, please share it with others who might enjoy it. I don’t do music to make a living — damned good thing! The currency I trade in is resonance — having someone tell me that one of my songs really struck a chord with them. So when that happens, please shoot me a message on the Contact page and let me know. It means a lot to me.
One of the great things about Austin is that so many incredible musicians live here, from the nationally famous to the best singer-songwriters you’ve never heard of. Sometimes, I’m lucky enough to play and record with them. I’ve had the great pleasure of touring with Stephen Doster in Africa (Events).
Another side of my musical life is The Duke Street Liberation Army Band…a group of crazy aged hippies spread around the country, but originating in southern Pennsylvania in the early 1970s. Check out our debut album, Arsenal of Love, released in 2014.
Featured video. I won the 2011 Woody Guthrie Fest in Okemah, OK, with this song (actually the original version, “Woody’s Ghost).
The Latest…
Guitars for Swaziland, which my dear friend Stephen Doster founded after our first Arts Envoy tour to Swaziland (now Eswatini), has provided guitars, lessons and now meals for kids in various African countries. Having now expanded our activities beyond Eswatini, and in light of the country’s change of name, we are changing our name to Guitars for Africa. Accordingly, we are updating our website and will launch the new version soon.
“And if there come the singers and the dancers and the flute players, buy of their gifts also. For they too are gatherers of fruit and frankincense, and that which they bring, though fashioned of dreams, is raiment and food for your soul.” Kahlil Gibran, “The Prophet”